The famous Shiba dog that was the most memeed on social networks passed away at the age of 12

Although you may not know the name of this dog, surely at least once you have seen a meme on social networks with an image of a yellow shiba dog with an extremely adorable expression. Accordingly, this dog’s real name is Balltze. but is more commonly known by the name “Cheems”.

Chú chó Shiba nổi tiếng được chế meme nhiều nhất mạng xã hội qua đời ở tuổi 12 - Ảnh 1.

Famous image of the dog Balltze

According to Know Your Meme, this shiba dog’s silly smile mixed with cleverness is what captures the hearts of many netizens. It is known that the origin of the stage name “Cheems” comes from this shiba dog’s favorite food, cheeseburger.

To add more humor and cuteness, the meme creators changed the spelling to “cheemsburger” and made this Balltze dog one of the most photographed dogs on social networks.

Chú chó Shiba nổi tiếng được chế meme nhiều nhất mạng xã hội qua đời ở tuổi 12 - Ảnh 2.

The adorable and silly look of the Shiba dog has received the love of many people

However, The Sun recently reported that the dog Balltze passed away at the age of 12 during surgery. On his official Instagram, the dog’s owner posted:

“Please don’t be sad, remember the joy that Kabosu brought to the world.

A Shiba Inu with a round smiling face connected my friends, that dog helped many people when they were in difficulty during the pandemic and brought a lot of joy to many people, but now Balltze’s destiny was fulfilled.

I believe Balltze is running freely in the sky, enjoying delicious food with new friends. Balltze will always be in my heart. I hope it can continue to bring joy to everyone online, that is my only humble wish.”.

In the comments section, the dog’s fans left many condolences to the funny dog and his owner’s family. At the same time, they also sent their thanks to this lovely dog.

“I never thought I would shed tears over the passing of a dog I’ve never even met but Cheems is truly special” – one person commented.


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