Attracting butterflies to your garden: Selecting the best flowers to attract them

Wood Forget-Me-not, scientifically known as Myosotis sylvatica, is a charming wildflower commonly found in woodlands and woodland edges.


Wood Forget-Me-not, scientifically known as Myosotis sylvatica, is a delightful short-lived perennial known for its charming blue, pink or white flowers, each adorned with a white or yellow center. These flowers bloom profusely from mid-spring to mid-summer and attract bumblebees and butterflies with their charm. With its delicate, elongated, velvety green leaves, this humble plant requires little maintenance. When planted next to spring bulbs, especially under tulips in pink, rose or salmon shades, its beauty really stands out.

Snapdragon, scientifically known as Antirrhinum majus, is another beautiful flower that adorns gardens with its colorful flowers.


Snapdragons are colorful flowers that bloom from spring to fall. Their unique shape and vibrant colors make them a charming addition to any garden. These flowers have a lovely scent and are available in a variety of beautiful shades. Although they are considered short-lived perennials, many people choose to plant them as annuals because of their tolerance to light frosts. Snapdragons are easy to care for and make wonderful additions to flower arrangements. When planted in clusters, they create a striking and eye-catching display.

Primrose (primrose)


Primroses, or cowslips, bring a burst of color to the first months of the year and are a diverse group of over 430 species. These hardy perennials come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and offer a rainbow of colors to choose from. From delicate rock garden varieties to majestic candelabras, Primulas are sure to lift our spirits as we welcome the new year.


The redbud tree, known for its vibrant pink flowers, can be a large shrub or small deciduous tree that adds a splash of color to the spring landscape. With its charming heart-shaped leaves and unique asymmetrical branches, it is a favorite among gardeners as it can thrive in different soil compositions. In addition, its first flowers provide much-needed nectar to pollinating insects.


Pulmonaria, also known as lungwort, is a popular perennial celebrated for its distinctive leaves that feature striking patterns and charming silver markings. Its vibrant flowers in shades of pink and blue bloom in early spring, adding a splash of color to the garden and attracting pollinators, making it a popular choice for gardening enthusiasts.


Serviceberry, a multifunctional shrub or tree, provides year-round beauty. With its beautiful white flowers in spring, delicious berries, vibrant fall leaves and attractive winter form, this plant is a valuable asset to any garden.

Moving on to Ajuga reptans, also known as Bugleweed.


Ajuga reptans, also known as Bugle, is a low, spreading perennial that produces clusters of small, tube-shaped flowers. It prefers shady places and is perfect for covering the ground or covering paths. Its beautiful leaves and bright flowers add a splash of color and interest to garden borders and beds.


Alliums are a beautiful addition to any perennial garden, with their stunning beauty and variety. These bulbs are easy to grow and come in a wide variety of colors, inflorescence shapes, heights and flowering periods, making them a versatile and charming choice for any garden. Most alliums bloom in early summer, making them the perfect bridge between the spring and summer seasons.


The common lilac, scientifically known as Syringa vulgaris, is a beautiful flowering shrub that is admired for its clusters of fragrant purple, pink or white flowers in the spring. This plant symbolizes purity and renewal in various cultures and brings an enchanting aura of charm and sophistication to any garden or patio.


Known for its pleasant aroma, Syringa vulgaris, also known as common lilac, is a highly appreciated plant during spring in colder regions. These hardy shrubs are easy to care for, deer resistant, and are generally pest free. With their abundance of flowers, common lilacs are a popular choice for enhancing the beauty of any outdoor space.

Calendula, commonly known as calendula, is another type of flower.


One of the simplest and most adaptable flowers to grow in your garden is calendula, also known as calendula. This hardy annual plant features fragrant leaves and an abundance of beautiful daisy-like flowers that bloom throughout the seasons. Highly valued by gardening enthusiasts, calendula has a rich history of use for culinary and medicinal needs dating back centuries.


Nepeta, also known as Catmint, is a fantastic perennial herb that adds a touch of charm and vitality to any garden. Its fragrant leaves and luscious lavender-blue flowers not only look stunning, but they also attract beneficial pollinators and thrive in dry conditions. Perfect for creating borders, enhancing rock gardens, or adding a pop of color to cottage-style landscapes.


Marigolds are like little rays of sunshine in your garden, with their bright orange and yellow flowers blooming profusely. These low-maintenance plants can be grown as annuals or perennials in both gardens and containers, and love sun and well-drained soil. Not only do they repel pests, but they also welcome useful insects. Daylilies are another great option for your garden, adding a splash of color from summer until the first frost. Ideal for borders and for planting with other flowers, they are sure to brighten up your outdoor space.


Hemerocallis, also known as daylilies, are long-lasting, flexible plants that return each year and have beautiful flowers in a variety of colors and patterns. Daylilies are loved for their long-lasting blooms, low maintenance requirements, and ability to thrive in different environments, making them the best choice for gardens and outdoor spaces.


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