Bizarre Rabbit Species Burrows into Snow to Stay Warm in the Cold!

Maybe you don’t know, the Arctic hare is an extremely unique rabbit species . They have the perfect physical characteristics for living in the world’s harshest places.

Loai tho ky la thay lanh se chui vao tuyet... cho am

According to research, the Arctic rabbit has the scientific name Lepus arcticus, is a mammal in the Leporidae family, and is one of the largest living rodents. They can withstand the cold thanks to their super long, super thick fur.


Besides, Arctic rabbits also have very strong hind legs, and body fat accounts for up to 20% of body weight. Therefore, when they need to rest or keep warm, Arctic rabbits simply dig a hole in the white snow and jump into it, burying themselves and relaxing.

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Strong hind legs also help arctic rabbits a lot when they have to search for food in winter.


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Many people, after learning information about this Arctic rabbit, could not hide their surprise, because according to them, there are really few animals that bury themselves in the snow to… keep warm like the Arctic hare.

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It is known that the Arctic Hare is distributed throughout the tundra areas of Greenland and the northernmost areas of Canada. They also do not maintain the same white fur all year round, but change fur color, molt and grow new feathers.

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Their fur color will turn brown and gray in the summer. When winter comes, they gradually become white as snow, helping them camouflage according to changes in the surrounding environment. However, arctic hares in the far north of Canada, where summers are extremely short, arctic hares remain white all year round.











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