One beautiful day, you were on your way back from work when suddenly you saw a dog lying on the sidewalk. As you approached, you realized that the dog was covered in tar from a spilled lump, causing excruciating pain all over its body.
You felt very sorry for the dog and couldn’t hold back your tears. You quickly approached the dog, trying to free it from the tar stuck on its body. But the tar had stuck tightly to the dog’s fur, and you had to be careful not to cause further harm.
Finally, you managed to remove all the tar. The dog ran around happily and thanked you with its cute wagging tail and eyes. You felt very happy to see the dog saved.
However, when you looked back at the lump of tar on the ground, you realized that it was a big danger to the animals in the area. You decided to launch a fundraising campaign to collect the spilled tar and help protect the surrounding animals better.
In the end, you felt very satisfied to see the collected tar and the land becoming safer for the animals. You were also happy to see the dog living happily and healthily thanks to your help. From then on, you always worked for a clean, beautiful, and safe environment for all living creatures.