Playful Tiger Cub Clambers Over Resting Mother’s Face

While tigers are renowned for their patience, this young mother showcases her remarkable endurance as she tolerates the relentless antics of her playful cub.

The spirited Bengal tiger cub was spotted causing a ruckus, scratching and leaping on his mother as she attempted to bask in the sun.


Recently captured photographs from a zoo in Russia reveal surprising insights, showing that a tiger’s maternal instincts are strikingly similar to our own.

Ante la obvia molestia de su madre, el cachorro recién nacido practica saltar sobre su cabeza en Rusia.

Other images captured the mischievous cub pausing his antics to climb onto his mother’s face and snuggle against her.

The cub playfully swats his mother’s face as he climbs over her, seemingly teasing her with his antics.

Maternal love: The young mother wraps her paw around her cub after he tires himself out from a big hug.

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The lively cub climbed up to challenge the crows that had descended at Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia to catch a glimpse of the rare wildlife, one of two newborns.

The lively cub climbed up to challenge the crows that had descended at Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia to catch a glimpse of the rare wildlife

Russian photographer Alexander Lukin, 31, captured the hilarious sequence during one of the rare appearances of the cub alongside its mother.

He said: “Tigers don’t have many opportunities to survive in the wild.

“In the photos, we can only see one cub, but there were two cubs. It was almost the first appearance of the cub with its mother Zaya, who had just started taking it out.

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“This cub is very playful and curious.”

The untamed cub leaps onto its mother’s back as she grows increasingly exasperated.

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After several minutes of relentless antics, the mother finally lost her temper and let out a determined growl (right)…

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