The most durable flower arrangement in the summer, not afraid of heat but also likes to bathe in boiling water

In summer, high temperatures and prolonged heat can easily cause flowers to wilt. Turning on the air conditioner reduces the humidity in the room, causing fresh flowers to quickly lose water and wilt. And if you are worried about this, try arranging bluebells. A beautiful little flower with many strange characteristics. At first glance, it will look like a bunch of wilted vegetables, but if boiling water is poured into it, it will immediately bloom and show off extremely beautiful colors.

Meaning of bellflower

Loài hoa cắm bền nhất vào mùa hè, không sợ nóng mà còn chuộng tắm nước sôi - Ảnh 1.
Bluebells are herbaceous plants with roots that are always bundled and firmly planted in the ground. When bluebell flowers bloom, they droop and dangle in clusters of 10 to 15 flowers in the shape of bells as if ringing.

Bellflower has the scientific name Campanulaceae. Bluebells originate from the Northern Hemisphere and grow widely from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus. Currently, bellflowers are also commonly grown in many other continents around the world such as Asia, Africa, America,…

Known as a flower with a unique shape, attractive branch lines, harmonious and elegant colors. Bells are also symbolized as flowers that are good for feng shui in terms of wealth and prosperity.

A sweet flower that blooms when placed in boiling water

Confirming that bellflower is a flower that must be planted in the summer if you want to save money and keep flowers fresh for a long time without spending much effort, Ms. Quynh Huong (Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi) said: “I know and I’ve been arranging bluebells for a few years. At first, I felt a little annoyed every time I removed the leaves, but after a while I fell in love with them because they were so pretty when they were in the vase, and they were so easy to arrange!” .

Loài hoa cắm bền nhất vào mùa hè, không sợ nóng mà còn chuộng tắm nước sôi - Ảnh 2.
Bluebell flowers are suitable for many different types of vases.

Normally, each time she arranges flowers, Ms. Huong will buy about 3 bunches (ranging from 150,000 – 200,000 VND depending on the time): “I like to arrange large vases so I will buy many. However, those who like to arrange into small vases Pretty, just buy 1 bunch and you’ll be fine. This flower can last a long time so it’s very economical.

If you buy flowers in the summer, most of the time when you receive them, you will see that the flowers show signs of dehydration, are slightly wilted, and the flower heads droop. However, just plug it into a pot of hot water with a temperature of about 60 – 70 degrees for about 3 hours and the flowers will become fresh again, with their heads straight up. During the arrangement process, if you want the flowers to bloom quickly or stay fresh longer, you just need to add hot water.

“To keep the flowers fresh for a long time and when they are in a vase, the flowers can bloom, I usually pick up all the excess leaves at the base, wash the stems, cut them diagonally and then nurture the flowers overnight in hot water. The next morning I pour the water. Heat the flowers in a vase and then arrange them as usual. However, because they are arranged with hot water, people need to be careful during the flower arrangement process to avoid burns,” Ms. Huong said.

Loài hoa cắm bền nhất vào mùa hè, không sợ nóng mà còn chuộng tắm nước sôi - Ảnh 3.
The bellflowers have very pretty colors.



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